1. Guidance and referral unit: Assessment, counselling, guidance and referral services are provided to parents/family having children with disability. Parents are counselled through inputs of disability related information about their child.
2. Early Intervention Services:Sensory Integration Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy and Special Education are provided to very young children with developmental delay who are below the age of six as to how to train their child at home. The aim is to facilitate school years. Parents are counselled to accept their child. They are also guided readiness in the child.
3. Special Education:
(Age group 6 to 17+ years). The day school in ASHRAYA-The Shelter attempts to create a rich learning environment for students. Functional academics are taught to children using innovative teaching strategies and multi-sensory teaching learning material. Importance is given to co-curricular activities for the all-round development of the children. The students are involved in a number of co- curricular activities such as art, music, dance, drama, yoga and sports.